Martin McDonagh
NOLA Project
The Cast
Tupolski..... Michael Aaron Santos
Ariel..... Meredith Owens
Katurian..... James Bartelle
Michal..... Michael Joel Bartelle
Boy..... Wade Rogers
Girl..... Nadia Eiler
Scenic..... Steve Schepker Lighting..... Joshua Courtney
Costumes..... Megan Harms Sound..... Matt Jackson
Props..... Jaime Bird
Stage Manager..... Avery Scripter

Taylor Mac
Phoenix Theatre
The Cast
Paige ..... Jen Johansen
Arnold ..... Brad Griffith
Isaac ..... Ben Schuetz
Max ..... Ariel Laukins
Set ..... Jeff Martin Lights ..... Michael Moffatt
Props/Costumes ..... Emily McGee Fight Choreo ..... Rob Johansen
Sound ..... Tom Horan Producer ..... Bryan Foneseca
Stage Manager ..... Cassie Cutshaw
"The world of 'Hir' is exaggerated and mildly bizarre, providing a lot of laughs, but this is no comedy. Trans playwright Taylor Mac’s script uses the funhouse mirror to magnify these issues, allowing us to confront what is wrong about these people’s lives without distraction by the underlying tragedy."
- John Lyle Belden Plays With John and Wendy

David Adjmi
The NOLA Project
The Cast
Marie Antoinette.....Cecile Monteyne
Louis XVI.....A.J. Allegra
Joseph/Mr. Sauce.....William Bowling
Axel Fersen...James Yeargain*
The Dauphin.....Wade Rogers
A Sheep.....James Bartelle
Yolande De Polignac/Mrs. Sauce.....Maggie McGurn
Therese De Lamballe.....Julie Dietz
Royalist/Guard 1.....Kyle Woods
Guard 2.....Khiry Armstead
Scenic.....Bill Walker Lighting......Dan Zimmer
Costume.....Shauna Leone Sound.....Matt Jackson
Projections.....Duncan Becker Props......Jaime Bird
Wigs.....Chris Arthur Fights.....Alex Wallace
Dramaturg.....Dan Pruksarmukul
Stage Manager.....Kit Sternberger
*Member of Actors' Equity Association
"Throughout, Routhier strikes the right balance between humor and pathos, allowing the play to take a deeper grip on the audience as it moves from the glittery to the ghastly."
- Theodore P. Mahne Times-Picayune
Yasmina Reza
Orlando Shakespeare Theater
The Cast
Alan Raleigh.....Russ Blackwell*
Annette Raleigh.....Suzanne O'Donnell*
Veronica Noval.....Anne Hering*
Michael Novak.....Mark Ferrera
Scenic.....Robbin Watts Lighting.....Kevin Griffin
Costume.....Denise R. Warner Sound.....Britt Sandusky
Stage Manager.....George Hamrah*
*Member of Actors' Equity Association
"That's part of the beauty of Yasmina Reza's play, presented superbly by Orlando Shakespeare Theater. Routhier thankfully eschews the theatricality that could be used in such a high-octane comedy, instead keeping the characters grounded in reality. "
- Matt Palm Orlando Sentinel

Michael Hollinger
Orlando Shakespeare Theater
The Cast
Alan.....C.S Lee*
Carl.....Tom Nowicki*
Dorian.....Robbie Piggot*
Elliott.....David Karl Lee
Grace.....Meghan English
Scenic.....Bob Phillips** Lighting.....Kevin Griffin**
Costumes.....Kristina Tollefson Sound.....Matthew Given
Stage Manager.....Amy Nicole Davis*
*Member of Actors' Equity Association
**Member United Scenic Artsits
"Opus immerses you in highest levels of musicianship, but keeps the problems right down here with us mortals. It's theater at its finest."
- Carl F. Gauze Archikulture Digest

Conor McPherson
Southern Rep
The Cast
James 'Sharky' Harkin.....Drew Battles*
Richard Harkin.....Mark McLaughlin*
Ivan Curry.....John Bostic*
Nicky Giblin.....Shad Willinghm*
Mr. Lockhart.....James Fitzmorris
Scenic.....James Faerron Lighting.....James Clotfelter
Costumes.....Kelly James-Penot Sound.....Mike Singleton
Stage Manager.....Sarah Zoghbi
*Member of Actors' Equity Association

"How good is "The Seafarer" at Southern Rep? It is one of the best things I've seen in 40-odd (and they have been odd) years of theater-going in New Orleans ... Extraordinary is the word for this theater experience, a confluence of talent and craft seldom seen on our stages ... Under Mark Routhier's dynamic, invisible direction, the actors interact with the give-and-take of a true ensemble."
- David Cuthbert The Times-Picayune
Photos: Tony Firriolo
"St. Germain's script is packed with wisdom, wit, and wise-ass one liners… Routhier's valiant production evokes every possible audience response. Routhier also succeeds in unearthing the humor in what easily could have become a melodramatic period piece. I found myself laughing more during this production than I have in the recent past with billed comedies."
- Broadway World
Photos: John Barrois
"There’s a hypnotic quality to Monteyne’s presence as she transforms from out-of-touch queen to a vulnerable woman who can no longer control her life."
- Tyler Gillespie The Gambit
Robert Askins
Phoenix Theatre
The Cast
Jessica ..... Jaddy Ciucci
Pastor Greg .....Paul Nicely
Margery ..... Angela R. Plank*
Jason .....Nathan Robbins*
Timothy .....Adam Tran
Set ..... Bernie Killian Costume/Props .....Emily McGee
Lighting .....Laura Glover Puppets .....Patrick Weigand
Sound .....Ben Dobler
Stage Manager .....Chelsey Stauffer
*Member of Actors' Equity Assocation
"Directed by Mark Routhier, the Phoenix production drives home Askins' focus on hands as both agents and victims of suffering."
- Jay Harvey Upstage

Photos: Rob Jones
"Four men and a woman wove their voices into something very much like music in
Michael Hollinger's comic drama about the stormy workings of a string quartet, brought
to life in director Mark Routhier's exquisite production."
- Elizabeth Maupin Orlando Sentinel
Photos: Zach Rosing
Mark St. Germain
Orlando Shakespeare Theater
The Cast
Ann Atwater.....Avis-Marie Barnes*
Bill Riddick.....Corey Allen*
C.P. Ellis.....Richard B. Watson*
Mary Ellis.....Anna Carol
Scenic.....Bob Phillips** Lighting.....Kevin Griffin
Costume.....Kristina Tollefson** Sound.....George Hamrah
Projections.....Andrew Mulkey
Stage Manager.....George Hamrah*
*Member of Actors' Equity Association
**Member United Scenic Artists
"...Barnes has a depth of conviction that grounds her character, and under Watson's hate — look for it — is a tinge of fear and a touch of bewilderment. They are beautiful characterizations…."
- Matt Palm, Orlando Sentinel
“Director Mark Routhier adds to the tension by keeping characters so close they could choke each other.
... an immersive experience with a walloping catharsis.”
- Pam Harbaugh, Florida Today

Photos: Tony Firriolo
"The dialogue is so fluid that it’s mesmerizing to watch the ebb and flow of alliances between the sexes and the spouses."
- Holly V. Kapherr Orlando Weekly